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日期:2021-01-22                   来源:                   作者:               关注:

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2019/2 至今 36365线路检测中心入口网络空间学院

2016/7 2019/2 中科院深圳先进技术研究院,博士后,同期在德国于利希研究

中心(ForschungszentrumJülich GmbH)中超算中心(JSC, Jülich Supercomputing Center)进行学术交流

2011/9 2016/7 36365线路检测中心入口,化学系,获化学生物学理学博士学位

2007/9 2011/9 36365线路检测中心入口,数学系,获得理学学士




1. Jing Runyu, Liang Yu, Ran Yi, Feng Shengzhong, Wei Yanjie and He Li. Ensemble Methods with Voting Protocols Exhibit Superior Performance for Predicting Cancer Clinical Endpoints and Providing More Complete Coverage of Disease-Related Genes.[J]. International Journal of Genomics,2018, 2(1-14).

2. Jing Runyu, Sun Jing, Wang Yuelong, Li Menglong. Domain position prediction based on sequence information by using fuzzy mean operator [J]. Proteins Structure Function & Bioinformatics, 2015, 83(1462-1469).

3. Jing Runyu, Wang Yuelong, Wu Yiming, Hua Yongpan, Dai Xu, Li Menglong. A Research of Predicting the B-factor Base on the Protein Sequence [J]. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Science, 2014, 1(2): 1-3.

4. Jing Runyu, Sun Jing, Wang Yuelong, Li Menglong, Pu Xuemei. PML: A parallel machine learning toolbox for data classification and regression [J]. Chemometrics & Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2014, 138(1-6).

5. Liu Yuan, Jing Runyu, Xu Junmei, Liu Keqin, XueJiwei, Wen Zhining, Li Menglong. Comparative analysis of oncogenes identified by microarray and RNA-sequencing as biomarkers for clinical prognosis [J]. Biomarkers in medicine, 2015, 9(11): 1067-1078.

6. Huang Liqiu, Jing Runyu, Yang Yongning, Pu Xuemei, Li Menglong, Wen Zhining, Li Yi. Characteristic wavenumbers of Raman spectra reveal the molecular mechanisms of oral leukoplakia and can help to improve the performance of diagnostic models [J]. Analytical Methods, 2015, 7(2):

7. Dai Xu, Jing Runyu, Guo Yanzhi, Cheng Dong Yong, Long Wang Yue, Liu Yuan, Mei Pu Xue, Li Menglong. Predicting the Druggability of Protein-Protein Interactions Based on Sequence and Structure Features of Active Pockets [J]. Current pharmaceutical design, 2015, 21(21): 3051-3061.

8. Wu Yiming, Jing Runyu, Jiang Lin, Jiang Yanping, KuangQifan, Ye Ling, Yang Lijun, Li Yizhou, Li Menglong. Combination use of protein-protein interaction network topological features improves the predictive scores of deleterious non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms [J]. Amino Acids, 2014, 46(8): 2025-2035.

9. Wang Yuelong, Jing Runyu, Hua Yongpan, Fu Yuanyuan, Dai Xu, Huang Liqiu, Li Menglong. Classification of multi-family enzymes by multi-label machine learning and sequence-based descriptors [J]. Analytical Methods, 2014, 6(17): 6832-6840.

10. Sun Jing, Jing Runyu, Wang Yuelong, Zhu Tuanfei, Li Menglong, Li Yizhou. PPM-Dom: A novel method for domain position prediction [J]. Computational Biology & Chemistry, 2013, 47(6): 8-15.

11. Sun Jing, Jing Runyu, Wu Di, Zhu Tuanfei, Li Menglong, Li Yizhou. The effect of edge definition of complex networks on protein structure identification [J]. Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2012, 2013(1): 151-164.

12. Wang Minqi, He Xuan, Xiong Qing, Jing Runyu, Zhang Yuxiang, Wen Zhining, KuangQifan, Pu Xuemei, Li Menglong, Xu Tao. A facile strategy applied to simultaneous qualitative-detection on multiple components of mixture samples: a joint study of infrared spectroscopy and multi-label algorithms on PBX explosives [J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(6): 4713-4722.

13. Wang Huijun, Huang Liqiu, Jing Runyu, Yang Yongning, Liu Keqin, Li Menglong, Wen Zhining. Identifying oncogenes as features for clinical cancer prognosis by Bayesian nonparametric variable selection algorithm [J]. Chemometrics & Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2015, 146(464-471.

14. Qin Wenli, Li Yizhou, Li Juan, Yu Lezheng, Wu Di, Jing Runyu, Pu Xuemei, Guo Yanzhi, Li Menglong. Predicting deleterious non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in signal peptides based on hybrid sequence attributes [J]. Computational Biology & Chemistry, 2012, 36(2): 31-35.
